I have (pre-)settled status and want to rent in the UK. The landlord is asking me for proof of immigration status and/or a share code. What do I need to do?

    If you are an EEA/Swiss citizen your (pre-)settled status is a digital-only status. If you are a family member with status under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS), you will have a digital status alongside your biometric residence card. If you have an immigration status which is not related to the EUSS, please see this FAQ.

    To use your digital status to prove your right to rent, you will need to generate a ‘share code’.

    Firstly, you will need to sign into the View and Prove service - see this FAQ https://www.the3million.org.uk/faq-1/see-digital-status if you need more details.

    Once you are logged in and can see your status, scroll down click ‘prove your status’.

    You will then need to choose the reason why you are sharing your information. Choose “to prove my right to rent in the UK”.

    You will be presented with a share code which will be valid for 90 days.

    You will need to provide the share code, along with your date of birth, to the landlord. They will then be able to check your status via https://www.gov.uk/view-right-to-rent. This share code will only work to check your right to rent, it will not work for example for employers to check your right to work.

    See the Government’s guidance document for full details at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/view-and-prove-your-immigration-status-evisa

    If you have any problems, see this FAQ https://www.the3million.org.uk/faq-1/sharecode-notworking

    If you are a non-EEA/Swiss citizen and have a physical EU Settlement Scheme biometric residence card, you have the choice to use your card or your digital status to prove your right to rent. To upgrade an EEA residence card to an EU Settlement Scheme residence card, see https://www.gov.uk/uk-residence-card/replace.

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