Community Lawyering

Join us in fighting for access to justice!

At the heart of our community lawyering initiative is a profound belief that those most affected by legal and policy challenges hold the key to transformative change. We are committed to ensuring that your experiences, insights and aspirations are the driving force behind our fight for rights, welfare and social justice.


Why your voice matters

Legal and policy injustices do not just exist in courtrooms or legal documents. They are lived everyday by people in our communities. This is why we are not just seeking to represent you – we are inviting you to involve your communities in the process. Your stories, struggles and successes have the power to shape our campaigns, inform our strategies and inspire our communities. 

Our shared objectives

  •  Amplifying your voice: Ensuring your experiences directly influence legal and policy campaigns and advocacy.
  • Building leadership: Fostering your skills in advocacy and leadership to champion change. 
  • Creating a model of engagement: Developing a participatory approach that can be a beacon and inspiration to others with lived experience of having their rights denied. 

Who we are looking for

  • EU, EEA and Swiss citizens and non-EU family members with derived rights in the UK, who are over 18 years old
  • You are interested in people power and collective action (i.e. through campaigning or strategic litigation) to make change happen for our communities.
  • You may have faced challenges first hand with your immigration status, or exercising your rights (for example, getting access to welfare, housing, education)

If you are part of an organisation which supports EU citizens* to access legal advice on immigration, you can download our partnership terms of reference and get in touch to discuss potential collaborations.

Be part of the change: Whether you have faced legal or policy challenges first hand, or led community initiatives, there’s a role for you. From strategic community planning to community outreach and advocacy, your involvement is crucial.

*the3million uses ‘EU citizens’ as shorthand for EU, EEA and Swiss citizens, and their family members (of any nationality) with derived rights.

What you can expect

Learn and grow with us: We offer "Know Your Rights" workshops and sessions, focus groups and training sessions, online and in-person, designed to enhance your legal understanding, advocacy and campaigning skills. Together, we will build a foundation for effective action. 

Lead with us: As core members of our Know Your Rights teams, you will share insights, participate in campaign and advocacy efforts, and represent your community’s voice in community and critical forums, online and in-person. 

Time Commitment

Your involvement can vary, but we generally expect participants to commit to rolling “Know Your Rights” workshops and team meetings. Our work will complement and reinforce that of the EU Citizens’ Campaigns Network and vice versa. 

Together, we will help to develop and launch an “EU Citizens’ Manifesto for Change” (in late April) and we will jointly host the “EU Citizens’ Summit for Change” (in June), which may require a little more of your time on a short-term basis.  

Our journey together

Our initiative is a strategic commitment to change, and your engagement is essential in every step of the way. We are here to support, learn from, and grow with you – ensuring that our collective efforts lead to meaningful and lasting impact. 

Join our Community Lawyering initiative!

Ready to make a difference? Share your story, lend your voice, and join a movement dedicated to bringing access to justice to the forefront of our communities. Together, let us stand up for our rights and shape a future where every voice is heard, and every story matters. 

How to join

Want to learn more and ready to get involved? Fill out this form and our Community Organiser Sarah will get in touch with you.  Become part of this transformative community project!


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