I am still waiting for a decision on my application to the EU Settlement Scheme. Why can’t I get a driving licence?

    We are aware that the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) will not issue provisional driving licences, or exchange EU licences for British  ones, to people who do not yet have (pre-)settled status, even if those people have a Certificate or Application and can generate a share code. We wrote to the Home Office about this in April 2023, and received a reply in June 2023. You can read both the letters here.

    The Home Office reply states only “Yes, we are aware of this. We do not believe that the equal treatment provisions of the WA extend to the issuing of driving licences and therefore these documents cannot be obtained using a CoA. We are working with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office to understand the approach in EU Member States.

    the3million believes this approach is unfair, particularly given how long many people are having to wait for a decision on their EU Settlement Scheme application (see the statistics page on our website).

    If this affects you, we would encourage you to:

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