London Voices

What is your journey to participation?

London Voices maps the journey to civic and democratic participation from the perspective of under-represented communities.

The research

the3million Young Europeans Network undertook: 

  • A survey of 109 civil society organisations, of all sizes, from across London comprising a total of 4087 full-time employees, 5611 volunteers and supporting over 380000 Londoners.
  • Follow-up interviews with 20+ organisations on the lived experiences of under-represented Londoners and their recommendations.
  • Focus groups in collaboration with organisations led by young Londoners, Deaf and disabled Londoners, Black, minority ethnic and migrant Londoners, Londoners of all faiths and none.

The Outcome

Analysis: Quantitative and qualitative analysis of structural barriers and challenges, activities, strategies, mapping the gaps in the democracy sector and the needs of civil society organisations and the Londoners they represent or support.

Case studies: 20 case studies focused on community voice and lived experience with organisational profiles; campaign highlights; best practice on civic and democratic participation; civil society and local authority collaboration examples.

Recommendations: A set of recommendations co-produced with an Advisory Board made of under-represented communities and aimed at local authorities, Greater London Authority (GLA), Mayor of London, central Government, funders, civil society organisations and political parties on how to improve Londoners’ journeys to full participation.

We want communities to be actively engaged in political processes, especially at the local level, and public appointments and to step up and get better representation.
Jeremy Crook, BTEG

Full report

Executive summary

Briefing paper

This research project is an initiative from Trust for London, on behalf of the Citizenship and Integration Initiative, and the UK Democracy Fund, a Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust initiative. 


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